Get involved
To learn more about how you can help with clean up efforts and other volunteer opportunites, please use this form.
We currently have clean-up efforts taking place in Virginia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, and Colorado. We’ll send you more information! You can also follow us on Facebook for schedules.
Become a Member or Volunteer
We Love To Hear From You
ARR is a 100% volunteer driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit Virginia corporation committed to protecting and restoring our inland waterways.
We will be leading several clean up efforts this coming spring and summer. We’d love to hear your suggestions and efforts your are doing within your own communities.
Our goal is to intercept this trash before it leaves town, so we can properly recycle it all before it becomes a bigger problem in a larger body of water.
There are so many different things and levels of involvement that can help achieve this goal. If you have a skill, connection, equipment, etc. that can help us please reach out using the form above.
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13155 Mountain Road
Glen Allen, VA 23059
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